
About Us

We are Cub Scout Pack 138 based out of Western Avenue Grade School in Geneva, Illinois.  We meet as a pack on a monthly basis, typically Wednesday during the 3rd week of each month at 7pm in the Western Avenue School Gym. Upon joining the Pack, your child will be assigned to a den with others in the same grade.  Dens meet 1 or 2 times a month to work on advancement acheivements, electives, and other fun activities.  Parent involvement is always encouraged and greatly appreciated as it takes a lot of work to provide the best experience for the scouts.

As a pack we have all kinds of fun activities that teach the scouts a variety of life skills. Some of these activities include:

  • Pack hikes
  • Camping trips
  • Pinewood Derby race
  • Turtle races
  • Blue & Gold Dinner
  • Ice cream social
  • Scout Olympics
  • Kane County Cougar games
  • Community clean ups

For general information about our Pack, send an email to

If you are interested in joining our Pack, contact our Membership Chair at